Christophe Melchers,guide en Corse,randonnées en Corse



Christophe Melchers, State certified mountain leader, has been living in Corsica for 18 years. Passionate about Corsican flora and fauna, he will make you discover Corsican mountain nature and heritage in a friendly atmosphere, through walks for every level.


 For your safety, your guide has :
- the International Mountain Leader diploma
- First aid diploma
- A long experience of weather forecasting by a 20 year experience in the French army, 15 years in Corsica.


Trailer since 2000, Christophe attended a lot of runs in Corsica or abroad
(Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc, Trail du Mercantour, Templiers, Restonica Trail, Via Romana...)


Passionate about mountain photography and macro-photography, he organizes walks to the Pozzi, Bavella, Plateau du Coscione, Mount Renoso, as well as walks on request.


English speaking



S.N.A.M. Syndicat National des Accompagnateurs en Montagne


State certified mountain leader member of the S.N.A.M
(National Union of Mountain Leaders)

N° SIRET : 53458295200014


BE n° 02013013


Renseignements et réservation  :  06 74 66 00 48

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